Remember ❤ I am Spirit.

Remember, I AM Spirit.

Robin Hallett
7 min readFeb 6, 2018

Good morning, beloved!

Good afternoon!
Good evening!
If it’s the middle of the night, hi!

It’s me, Robin sending you love and a hug and a totally awesome package of sparkles and fairy dust and all kinds of yum-yums for your spiritual sustenance today.

Up to you to receive it or not, but why not receive?

Today I am sitting in my little studio space, surrounded by tea and water and bright colors and it’s a gorgeous, beautiful sparkly snowy day. The sun is hitting the roof-line on my garage just right and I can see the sparkles coming off. I have this beautiful tree I am looking at, a silver maple, planted in the 50’s and it is ginormous — I think that word applies here. I am watching the squirrels go up and down with their little treasures.

I’m feeling grateful and blessed.

This day, this year, this life, this week…and especially so about this time together with you…what could I have to complain about? What could I have to be upset about? What could I have to distract me from all this beauty and light?

And yet.

Because we’re both human, you and me, we get stuck on stuff, don’t we? We dial things down so tiny because we’re afraid to live fully in our light. Because we don’t know how to be in the state of ease and grace for most of the time.

My human problems and struggles can really take precedence sometimes. And the truth is — and I don’t always like this truth — I allow that to be the case.

I allow it to be my state of mind.

I am allowing myself to be upset or angry or hurt or angry or anxious or afraid… I am allowing that.

More and more, I am making it a practice to remember all that is. To choose the good vibes — and I don’t mean to whitewash everything with Spiritual Cheesy. Nope, I am not talking about that. Good vibes to me means I am thinking about Spirit or God and the angels and the miracle of this massive universe — and maybe we should call it a multiverse because what do we know, really?

How freaking possible and miraculous this world is — no matter what you’re facing today no matter challenge is happening in your life now, this is the choice I am inviting you make right along with me.

Come and be present right inside the miracle. Can you witness your upset, whatever your upset is and see if we can practice together gently, gently allowing ourselves to see that even this reality — whatever the reality is right now — it’s not exactly what we would choose?

If we were shopping in a store and we could buy anything we wanted, this probably wouldn’t be the thing we wanted or would choose, right?

Maybe you have one of those situations going on where you feel saddled with things you didn’t choose, maybe somebody else in your life has things going on which have altered your life permanently, backwards and forwards. Or you are worrying about money-money-money or a job-job-job. Or you’re single and you really want to be in a relationship. Or maybe you have clutter in your home.

Consider your own story for a moment…

Today right now in this moment, let’s take a breath and let it out again and when we do, let’s choose again. Let’s choose the wonderment, the beauty, the light, the joy, the ease.

Let’s look with an attitude of gratitude. What can you be grateful for? Even if you’re like, nope, this life is #$%&! It is all horrible and crappy, can you find something to be grateful for?

Because I know how I find ways to defend my stories of upset — I think about how bad things are, and sometimes I put them on a scale of badness in order to grant myself permission to have it be bad enough to warrant the upset I feel. Do you ever do that?

Truly, all of that we can drop in this moment. No one-upping. No fighting for our upset, no struggling for our position.

What would it be like to receive the grace that’s all around you and choose the miracle, the blessing?

You can feel your feelings! You can allow the emotion to be processed! Nobody is saying you cannot. Just don’t let the focus become so dialed down that this is who you become, you know?

If you’re here reading this, I know you’re a spirit centered person. I know you’re a believer in miracles. Even if you’re a wannabe believer, you’re working towards believing — believing eyes and heart. And so you probably know what I am saying is the way even if you don’t like it, it’s the way, even if it’s not your jam. Even if you want to kill all the things right now, it’s still the way.

Let’s practice together. Let’s practice, love. What have you got to lose?

What would it be like to just love yourself right here, as is, with so much acceptance and grateful appreciation of yourself. How far you’ve come! How hard you’ve worked! How long you’ve stayed in the game! Would you be willing to see that everything is progress toward the light?

You’re making your way, you’re learning how to do it. How to stay present with yourself.

Perhaps there’s just a gentle choice that needs to be made here, a gentle choice to allow yourself to sprout. If you were a gorgeous seed, you’d allow yourself to reach for the light, because it’s in your nature to do so. And how would it be to know that there’s a certain amount of fertilizer necessary in order for this to happen too . No mud no lotus, right?

Let’s be here in that space of grace. Let’s know how freaking amazeballs we are.

Let’s choose this just for a moment. Instead of fighting for our position or clinging to our upset or cherishing that sensation of just wanting to punch that one person in the face, while holding on to the bitterness. We’re clamping everything in our bodies down when we do that — closing off our energy to possibility and light when we do that.

When we do that stuff, we are still here in the room with God, still able to receive the miracle…we’ve just closed the door. And doors were made to be opened.

Let’s be here and breathe together. Let’s trust in this process of allowing abundance and light and miracles to come to us.

Are you in?

Let’s let this be easy today.

Those years we spent in the desert! I spent three consecutive ones getting lost, trying to find myself, trying to wake up and remember, trying to help myself out of the hole but often falling deeper still… what I see now so clearly is that it was all so important. It all counted. All my lost time, all my beating myself up, all my self-judgment. It all counted. It was perfect exactly as it was. Thank you very much, I learned so much.

Today, I know the stick-to-it-ness I have comes directly from those years I was busy getting lost. It definitely didn’t come from meditating long enough, hard enough, doing my yoga asanas faithfully enough for a hundred days. Ugh. Forget it, that stuff didn’t get me anywhere because I was doing it believing I needed it to improve.

You know what did work? Hanging in there with myself. The struggle. The difficulty. The challenge. Showing up when I wanted to check out. And then sometimes checking out. Sometimes quitting, but sometimes hanging in. Sometimes phoning a friend and admitting what was going on. Staying present. Loving myself.

Oh yeah. Props to all of that.

And if that’s you too, I think you are amazeballs.

Love yourself right where you are, friend. Maybe today’s the day you stop being so hard on yourself. Maybe this is the day to stop keeping the drama important. Maybe. It’s up to you.

If you’re really struggling with things, maybe you can surrender the drama for a minute or an hour or maybe even a whole day. Let’s try it together. That’s what I want for us. To remember we are light, and powerful beyond measure and we rock this day. And because of that choice, we serve the world.

That’s what I want for us.

We can feel our feelings and stay present with the miracles too.


Today’s view.

P.S. Like this? I send a supportive, encouraging, inspiring letter to my Love Posse once a week, would you like to receive? Click here to join 💕



Robin Hallett
Robin Hallett

Written by Robin Hallett

Intuitive Energy Healer and Light Sparkler 🌟 spiritual guidance + gentle reminders of who you truly are 💗

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