Robin Hallett
3 min readDec 19, 2020

Hello, beautiful soul,

It’s easy to be worried.

Worry is something we’ve learned to do to occupy time but that doesn’t mean we’re actually worried. Think about that and you may realize what you really are is afraid of the unknown.

Think about something you’ve got going on in your life right now. You might be spending time in the swirl because that’s what you’re used to doing. But are you really worried? Or are you more scared about what’s changing and what’s to come?

The thing we seem to be afraid of is the unknown. And if you feel like that is true for you too, then all you need to do right now is soften and relax a little. Instead of hanging onto the worry (this looks like obsessing on an issue, spinning around and around in the story, feeling like you have to FIX this problem before you can move on), soften and release a little. Even this will set a new energy in motion that helps you get free.

I’m practicing with you. I remind myself that I came for an experience in this lifetime… am I liking the experience I am having? Is the experience I am having right now the one I’d choose intentionally?

Do we want to be experiencing this?

That is a biggie question. Lots of us believe we have no choice as to our experience. We accept the events and feelings we have as just what is.

A Course in Miracles says that I’m the one choosing the feelings. I’m the one deciding on the goal. And everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for and receive as I’ve asked. (Text Chapter 21.2).

Do I believe I have a choice in what happens to me? In the thoughts I have? In the feelings I experience? Yes or no?

If I choose to practice choosing, everything can change.

If you choose to practice choosing, everything can change.

I’m sending you so much love. And seeing you with believing eyes and heart, always.

And I am here to help. Anytime. See below for that.

We got this.


About | Sessions with Robin
Intuitive Healer & Light Sparkler

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P.S. I talk about this concept I shared today a bit more on the podcast, Tea with Robin, episode 114 listen wherever you enjoy podcasts or here

Where you can find me this week:

Tea with Robin Podcast:


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Robin Hallett

Intuitive Energy Healer and Light Sparkler 🌟 spiritual guidance + gentle reminders of who you truly are 💗