The Only Fix is Love

Robin Hallett
3 min readSep 26, 2020

Hello, sweet friend,

I’m sending love and a hug. How is the weather in your heart today?

I find that the more I practice “loving what is,” exactly as it is, there is another part of me that begins picking the lint off everything in a furious way. This part of me seems to be attempting to invent problems just to stay alive and intact.

You probably have felt this too as you are making your way in the practice, right? You find another part of yourself trying to suck you back into the chaos.

If we aren't careful, we can end up living these stories out again and along with this, we assume we are not doing IT right: The practice, the journey, the life as God expressing through this human body. We begin to judge ourselves again.

But what if this is just the evidence that you're doing it right, and your inner molecules are moving in greater waves of light and clarity, and the old gunk is simply leaving?

And what if we could move into a practice of kindness and self-love as we are acclimating to this new way. Perhaps we also need to adjust our self-care to accommodate what is happening.

It’s okay to make any adjustments that feel necessary and supportive to you at this time.

I am so glad I have an amazingly kind and loving partner I can talk to plus a circle of friends who will listen. These are people on a journey too, they’re authentic and vulnerable and capable of empathy without needing to fix it all for me. Because truly, what is there to fix?

If there is a fix then the fix is love. And love isn’t a recipe, it doesn’t come with a seven-step process.

A friend reminded me this morning that in a time when all of us feel enormous pressure to “Fight the Good Fight,” let’s not forget that paying attention to our own mental health and self-care is exactly that.

So here we go. Another day of the journey. Let us be so gentle with and aware of this body and the human awake in it. Let us continue to practice allowing the soul to greet us here.

Hello from here. Sending love and remembrance of who you truly are.


P.S. you might know a friend who’s going through this, too. And as they share about their “problem” you may remember that the only fix is love. Your advice could be so helpful, yes, but keep in mind this sometimes makes the person struggling feel like they’re not doing it right... And if you ask me what we all really need? It’s a spacious presence with a whole lotta love. The advice can come later, probably when the person asks for it on their own.

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Intuitive Healer & Light Sparkler

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Intuitive Healer & Light Sparkler

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I am offering healing sessions on Zoom and telephone, and it’s going wonderfully well — if you’d like to schedule some one to one time, find me here.

Every morning at 9 am CDT, you can find me on Instagram Live where I share healing, answer questions, offer inspiration, and light. Connect with me here: @robinhallett (I’ll be there today!) and the replays post to YouTube here. If you’d prefer to listen to the audio files of these talks, find them here.

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Robin Hallett
Robin Hallett

Written by Robin Hallett

Intuitive Energy Healer and Light Sparkler 🌟 spiritual guidance + gentle reminders of who you truly are 💗

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